AIA Board of Directors approves 2021-2025 Strategic Plan Focusing on Climate Action and Equity

The AIA 2021 - 2025 Strategic Plan was approved by the AIA Board at their December meeting and is attached for your information.

Below is from the forward of the plan.

The American Institute of Architects, the profession, and the world we live in are at a crossroads. What we do now will define the future.

Over the course of 18 months, the Strategic Planning Committee interviewed and surveyed hundreds of people, members and non-members alike. What we heard is remarkable and consistent: Now is the time for real change and revolutionary thinking. For turning conversations and ideas into bold action in how we prepare for and shape the future of AIA and architecture.

This means an AIA and a profession that emphasize:

Climate action. To deliver real action to help mitigate climate change.

Justice and equity. To ensure equity in the profession, in our communities, and for all who inhabit the built environment we design.

The role of the architect. To help society recognize the value of their work in addressing the world’s most pressing challenges.

Research and technology. To recognize that our unique knowledge defines who we are and what we do, and that innovation allows us to create a better world.

Architectural Education. To better prepare architects for the future and to include a true cross-section of society.

They also reminded us that we cannot do this alone, that we need to:

Create a bigger tent. Collaborate with those who realize the power of design to solve problems.

Focus selectively on issues that really matter. Mobilize our resources, educate, and prepare architects while refocusing activities that are not part of our core values.

Prepare a new generation. Ensure today’s emerging professionals are equipped with the tools and knowledge to lead the industry forward.

This Strategic Plan includes groundbreaking ideas; however, ideas alone are not enough. True change will come only through strategic action.

Brian J. Frickie, AIA
Chair, Strategic Planning Committee 2019–2020

The full report can be found on the AIA website at AIA 2021 - 2025 Strategic Plan.

AIA NationalJeannette Schram