Discover what you can learn
AIAU brings the industry’s best learning to you. Our 300+ instructors are from leading firms, and they’ll immerse you in in-demand topics that will boost your skills and portfolio.

Practice Resources
Navigate current business conditions, make smarter decisions, and prep for the future with AIA’s business intelligence.
Find reports such as: Compensation Report, Firm Survey Report, and the Architecture Billings Index.

AIA Trust Benefit Programs
With so much at stake in your personal and professional life, the AIA Trust benefit programs help you protect your future.
AIA Trust products are designed for and exclusively available to AIA members and components. You may easily access detailed information on benefit programs along with applications, rate calculators and rate charts, beneficiary and claim forms (for most products) — plus direct contact information to speak with representatives for no-obligation quotes to address your specific needs.

AIA Documents Benefiting You and the Industry
The documents produced by The American Institute of Architects (AIA) are the most widely used standard form contracts in the construction industry. They facilitate communications among all the parties involved in construction, which makes it easier to produce a high quality project in a timely and economical fashion.