AIA Maine Offers Black Spectacles Subscription for ARE Test Prep

Superior ARE Test Prep Materials Available through AIA Maine at 1/4 of the Cost of an Individual Black Spectacles Subscription.

The AIA Maine Emerging Professional Committee has been working to find ways to best support our community work towards licensure.

We heard from a number of people who are currently studying for exams that they would like to sign-up for the Black Spectacles program but the cost was prohibitive.

Our Emerging Professional Committee wanted to find a way to make this program more accessible for people so we reached out to Black Spectacles to find a solution.

By taking on the upfront costs of a firm membership, AIA Maine is able to offer you or your employees the full suite of Black Spectacles offerings for 1/4 of the cost of an individual membership.

Black Spectacles offerings include:

  • Online Video Lectures and slides for all 6 ARE 5.0 Divisions - 120+ hours

  • Online Practice Exams with 3 different tests for each of the 6 divisions

  • Digital Flashcards - access to over 3,000 digital flashcards for all 6 divisions

  • Online real-life Practical Application videos presented by practicing architects to help bring the ideas home

  • Study guides for all 6 divisions - monthly day-by-day roadmap to studying

  • Virtual Workshops - live, online workshops, with focused exercises and live Q&A led by a licensed expert every Sunday for 2 hours, for all 6 divisions (Coordination with other participants may be necessary to sign on to these live workshops.)

Note: This offer is open to anyone working for an AIA Maine member or member firm. An individual AIA Maine membership is not necessary.

Sign-up here.

AIA MaineJeannette Schram