Member Spotlight: Katie Braddock La Rose, AIA
Member Spotlight
Katie Braddock La Rose, AIA
Job title and company:
Architect, Kaplan Thompson Architects
BFA Interior Design (Virginia Commonwealth University, 2015), MArch (University of Virginia, 2020)
How long have you been in Maine?
I'm Coming up on one year! I moved to Portland last May with my husband, Allen, and our two dogs, Stevie and Elise.
Where did you move from?
Houston, Texas
Professional interests:
Given my background, I like to keep one foot in architecture, and one foot in interiors. I enjoy looking at projects from the inside out - from all the final details we touch and feel, to the big moves like view sheds and natural daylighting.
Where are you finding inspiration right now?
I just finished Ina Garten's memoir, Be Ready When the Luck Happens. I am particularly drawn to her meandering journey to find her passion, and her self-proclaimed responsibility to work hard, love the work, and have fun doing it. I've always been interested in how and what chefs do. At the end of the day, I think we do something very similar, which is to provide comfort and space for connection - whether that be around a table with a shared meal or together under the same roof. Interestingly, Ina wanted to be an architect when she was growing up!
What do you like about being an AIA member?
The community! I learned the importance of community and connection when I was an active member of the Women in Architecture subcommittee of AIA Houston. Folding into the Emerging Professionals committee here at AIA Maine has already nurtured new connections, and fruitful conversations.