Updated Maine Building Codes! MUBEC 2021 Adoption Effective April 7th 2025

By: David Matero, AIA
David Matero Architecture, MUBEC Board Member representing AIA Maine

Maine will begin adopting the 2021 ICC Model Codes beginning April 7, 2025. The Commissioner of Public Safety has signed off on the new codes, and although the Secretary of State has not officially received the final code package from the Attorney General’s Office, it is expected that the official date of Maine’s updated codes will happen on April 7, 2025.

Maine Uniform Building and Energy Code (MUBEC) is made up of the following codes and standards that have been updated to the 2021 code version:

  • IBC International Building Code

  • IEBC International Existing Building Code

  • IRC International Residential Code

  • IECC International Energy Conservation Code

  • IMC International Mechanical Code

These codes are available free online from the ICC website, https://codes.iccsafe.org/codes/i-codes/2021-icodes

For Maine-specific amendments to each of these codes, please visit the Maine State Fire Marshal’s office at https://www.maine.gov/dps/fmo/building-codes/mubec-rules and review the proposed rules for each title. 

The ICC is in the process of developing Maine-specific ICC codes on their website, but that is expected to take a few months to complete.

During this grace period of new code adoption, it is recommended to discuss the code adoption and design standards with your project’s municipality code enforcement officer to confirm which code version your project will be reviewed under. 

It is also important to note that MUBEC applies to all buildings constructed or renovated in Maine, regardless of municipal population. The MUBEC must be enforced in a municipality with a population of 4,000 residents or more. If the population is under 4,000, the municipality may choose to enforce the MUBEC, but as an architect, one still must design to MUBEC standards. 


1.         The MUBEC applies to all buildings constructed or renovated in Maine, regardless of municipal population. The MUBEC must be enforced in a municipality with a population of 4,000 residents or more. If the population is under 4,000, the municipality may choose to enforce the MUBEC.

AIA MaineJeannette Schram