Please let us know of any changes to your contact information

Dear Members,

As part of our annual efforts to ensure we have the most recent contact information to provide you with outstanding member service, we ask that you take a moment to make any changes on your membership record.

This includes any recent address, email and phone number changes or changes to your company contact information or relocating.

-      Have you recently became licensed or obtained an additional license in another state? If you are newly licensed, complete the membership status change form. If you have recently acquired an additional license, update your profile with your additional license information

-      Changed your name, moved, or found a new job? Update your name, address or home/work information on your profile.

-      Moved and you need to change your chapter assignment? Fill out the chapter transfer assignment form.

We are committed to continuing to provide you with outstanding member services as a dedicated and valued member. 

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact us directly at 207.200.5978 or via email at

Jeannette Schram, Executive Director
AIA Maine

Jeannette Schram