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Join AIA Maine’s Strategic Council Representative, Tim Lock, AIA of OPAL.
AIA Maine Director to the Strategic Council, Tim Lock, AIA - OPAL
Learn how Tim’s work with the AIA Strategic Council’s Climate Action workgroup helped the White House to develop a National Definition of a Zero-Emission Building for Operating Emissions.
Discuss the Council’s work studying artificial intelligence and its impact on architecture.
Learn about the AIA proposal to modernize our membership structure,
About the Strategic Council:
The Strategic Council advances the architecture profession by informing the Board and other Institute bodies about important professional issues, opportunities, and threats. Although it is not an AIA governing body, the Council’s work is vital to AIA’s ability to serve the profession. The Council approaches its tasks with an emphasis on an outward and forward-focused vision.
The 2024 Strategic Council Areas of Study
Equity: Achieving a Bias-free Profession
Design: Artificial Intelligence and its Impact
Wellbeing: Advancing Awareness, Knowledge, and Application toward designing healthier buildings and communities
Value of Architecture: Developing recommendations for actionable items that will educate and prepare members and collectively advance knowledge to positively impact our profession, our planet, and our global society
Climate: Water & Equity, expanding the lens of climate action by deepening practice knowledge about the impact and opportunities of design choices surrounding water
Thought leadership
The Council meets to consider topics based on AIA's strategic objectives. From that work, it develops recommendations for the Board's consideration.